Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Falling in Fall Time

Falling It's a cool feeling, . It happens to all of us.  Some fall in love, for some Fall is their favorite  season and some just plain fall. I fall. Hiking, biking, rollerblading (I took my date down with me 3 times on that one, poor guy) It's one thing that makes me laugh really hard. At least it usually does, on Monday I was walk/running to class because I was running a tinny bit late. And BAMB I tripped over a little rock and sailed through the air. My shoe went flying. (A video worthy fall) I just laid on the ground for a minute, the skin on my hands was torn and bleeding. There just happened to be 8 other guys walking to class by me, embarrassing. My hands and knee were bleeding pretty heavily so I hobbled over to Helamen Halls to clean up. I walked around campus with paper towels strapped to my hands to stop the bleeding. One hand was oozing this white stuff....don't know if that's normal? I was hit by some major laughing attacks walking around campus. It was one of those days.
Band aid's make everything better :)

On the other hand I had a wonderful weekend. I went to a 90's dance party. (Yes 90's?!) I knew a total of 3 songs. Guess I wasn't really conscious during those years. We (roommates and I) had a wild dance party in our room.
Saturday we drove up to Park City #1 to see the pretty sites and #2 to go shopping. I only got us lost twice! (thank goodness for smart phones) On the way back we stopped at a random body of water and had some quality roommate time. Poor Gabi cut her foot, and there WAS A LOT OF BLOOD! like a trail. I ran down the beach yelling for help and band aids. and someone had a first aid kit.Thank goodness. With a band aid and Kadie's tank top they wrapped Gab's foot up and got her back home. She's A OK now! (thank goodness!) We ended up watching Women's Conference in our apartment. It was amazing.

Shopping time with the Roommates
I got to see my FAMILY on Sunday!! I drove home with my cousin Brooks and they fed us Sunday dinner. It's therapy going home. Ogden is so beautiful, the mountains are so welcoming there (I might be a little biased though)
Saturday Funzies
Did you know Once Upon A Time started again?? It's amazing. I can't wait for the rest of the season :)

I took my first test on campus last week, it's a beautiful building but super old school. There are no computers, everything is hand written tests, your in a room with like 1,000 other students (I'm not exaggerating either) It literally felt like I was in Harry Potter and taking my O.W.L.'s. Hopefully I'll still like that building by the end of the semester.

Absolutely love these girls

This weekend is the first week of October, which means Conference weekend! Can't wait to hear the messages they have prepared for us. It's always so inspiring.  Just a couple more days!

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